Hello out there, I have yet another plant in the garden: the source code browser (http://source.contextgarden.net) This is still beta (very slow, no caching done yet and ugly and....) you can use it like this: http://source.contextgarden.net/ -> browse directories http://source.contextgarden.net/tex/context/base/context.tex -> look at the file http://source.contextgarden.net/context.tex -> let the source browser find the file for you http://source.contextgarden.net/tex/context/base/core-pos.tex#setpositions or http://source.contextgarden.net/core-pos.tex#setpositions -> look at core-pos.tex and go to \def\setposition The last one should be handy for the texshow-web (api) Patrick (I'll improve this whithin the next days, so don't flame me if there is some downtime on source.contextgarden.net)