On Tue, 10 Apr 2007 08:29:56 -0600, Aditya Mahajan
On Fri, 30 Mar 2007, Patrick Gundlach wrote:
would it make sense to have, in addtion to e.g. \section a start..stop pair?
such as
\startsection{my section name}
with something like \let\startsection\section \let\stopsection\relax
This way the text would be slightly more structured.
For now: ===================== \def\startchapter[#1]#2% {\getparameters[Chapter][#1]\chapter{#2}} \def\stopchapter{} \def\startsection[#1]#2% {\getparameters[Section][#1]\section{#2}} \def\stopsection{} \def\startsubsection[#1]#2% {\getparameters[Subsection][#1]\subsection{#2}} \def\stopsubsection{} \def\startfootnote[#1]#2% {\getparameters[Footnote][#1]\footnote\bgroup#2} \def\stopfootnote{\egroup{}} ===================== All based on a note from Taco; I don't really know how it works... The footnote one needs a % at the end of the preceding line, don't know how to gobble it: text.% \startfootnote[] note. \stopfootnote{} text Further: I now use fake start-stops in my environments/preambles. In conjunction with an editor that can handle TeX-syntax folding, they area really good organizing tools. So I have a file startstops.tex with totally naive things like ======================= \let\startENV=\relax \let\stopENV=\relax \let\startLET=\relax \let\stopLET=\relax \let\startFONTS=\relax \let\stopFONTS=\relax \let\startLISTS=\relax \let\stopLISTS=\relax \let\startPAPER=\relax \let\stopPAPER=\relax \let\startTITLE=\relax \let\stopTITLE=\relax \let\startLAYOUT=\relax \let\stopLAYOUT=\relax \let\startBIBLIO=\relax \let\stopBIBLIO=\relax \let\startALIASES=\relax \let\stopALIASES=\relax \let\startSTRUCTURE=\relax \let\stopSTRUCTURE=\relax \let\startSTARTSTOPS=\relax \let\stopSTARTSTOPS=\relax \let\startDESCRIPTIONS=\relax \let\stopDESCRIPTIONS=\relax \let\startINTERACTIONS=\relax \let\stopINTERACTIONS=\relax ======================= Syntax-folding makes things soooo much easier and efficient. Best Idris -- Professor Idris Samawi Hamid Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523 -- Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/