Hi all, I have just uploaded the archives for luatex 0.30.0. This release matches SVN revision #1521. New features: * Readable \tex internal params that are counts, attrs, or dimens are now returned as numbers instead of strings, and skips as node objects. Read-write access to tex's skip registers added: tex.skip[0] etc. * new callback: 'linebreak_callback' to replace the internal paragraph breaking code * the tex table now supports more readable 'convert' values: tex.fontname, tex.pdffontname, tex.pdffontobjnum, tex.pdffontsize, tex.uniformdeviate, tex.number, tex.romannumeral, tex.pdfpageref, tex.pdfxformname (each takes a number as argument) * new readable parameter: tex.fontidentifier(number) returns the \csname associated with that font id * luatex now outputs \FONT<nr> instead of \^^@ in Overfull/Underfull messages if the font's id text is zero (like for expanded fonts) (#77) * luatex --version is split into --version and --credits * There is now (again) an svn revision number in luatex --version (#91) * Add support for more read-only internal access from lua: tex.lastpenalty, tex.lastkern, tex.lastskip, tex.lastnodetype, tex.inputlineno, tex.badness, tex.pdftexversion, tex.pdflastobj, tex.pdflastxform, tex.pdflastximage, tex.pdflastximagepages, tex.pdflastannot, tex.pdflastxpos, tex.pdflastypos, tex.pdfrandomseed, tex.pdflastlink, tex.luatexversion, tex.Alephversion, tex.Omegaversion, tex.Alephminorversion, tex.Omegaminorversion, tex.eTeXminorversion, tex.eTeXversion, tex.currentgrouplevel, tex.currentgrouptype, tex.currentiflevel, tex.currentiftype, tex.currentifbranch, tex.pdflastximagecolordepth (#81) * the old --src-specials are replaced by --synctex (#63) * the \expanded primitive is backported from pdftex 1.50 (#43) * luatex now comes with libpng 1.2.32 * experimental: tex.definefont(string, number) associates a csname string with a font id number Bugs fixed compared to 0.29.0: * dashes were exported wrongly by MPlib * multi-item \discretionaries were broken in various ways (#78, mailinglist) * read_font_info was sometimes called recursively from lua-loaded virtual fonts * do_vf was sometimes called on lua-loaded fonts that where already known to be virtual * trailing junk in tfm files is now ignored (needed for ecrm fonts) * pdf_ignored_dimen was initialized too late, breaking \prevdepth handling and causing output lines to overlap eachother (#72) * pdf.immediateobj() had a printf-related bug * the fontname terminal logging is fixed for strange font file names * lua tex array assignments now listen to the globaldefs setting (tex.count[0] etc) (#92,partial) * \parshape was broken (#70) * there is no longer a ".tex" extension forced on very input file (#74) * eof() for mapfiles was true one byte too soon (#76) * out of range \lefthyphenmin and \righthyphenmin settings now actually disable hyphenation (#90) * tex.unset_attribute() looked too far ahead when a to-be-unset attribute id not only did not exist in the node, but was also higher than the highest set attribute on the node. (#65) * the parameters attr and page_name of read_image() were swapped (this broke \pdfimage with attributes) * tex filenames with spaces in them on the command line are now allowed again (#30) * sometimes pfb fonts were included multiple times without valid reason (#29) * some parts of the pdftex 1.40.9 PNG transparancy hack were still present and caused transparant png handling to fail * \localinterlinepenalty and \localbrokenpenalty were broken * special case catcode tables are now handled better (#23) * the handling of missing .notdef charstrings in old pfb fonts is fixed (#27) The archives (source and binaries) can be downloaded from supelec, as usual: http://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/luatex/ Bugs and feature requests can be added to the issue tracker at http://tracker.luatex.org Have fun, Taco