Patrick Gundlach wrote:
It would be nice to have a gforge environment available for tracking context changes/wishes/bugs. Even without SVN, the tracking features can be very helpful.
What kind of tracking? I have played a bit with bugtrackes and installed bugzilla a while ago but deleted it 4 minutes later, because the system was far too complicated.
Much like my experience with bugzilla. ;-)
Later I installed a simple ruby program. See http://gardenbugs.contextgarden.net. Just create an account and play with it, Don't be afraid to put nonsense in there (I forgot about the software until your mail). Warning, this is currently dead slow because of lack of fastcgi.
Does Bugtrack allow anonymous browsing (and perhaps adding) of entries? For a 'feature request' list, that would definately be needed. If so, then it looks like it might be the right tool for the job. It is very minimalistic though. What I would like is something with all the 'Tracker' subsystem functionality in gforge, but nothing else besides that (no mailing lists, fora, wiki's, websites, top10's, repositories, etc.) See e.g. http://sarovar.org/tracker/?group_id=230 for an example (sorry don't know of an equivalent example for Trac)
An external subversion server should not be complicated. I already have svn running here for my own garden-development and I already created a public context repository a while ago (but removed it because $REASON).
I believe Hans wants to set up a local repository (from his viewpoint), with possibly external read access for us. Any other solution would hinder his development cycle. Taco