On Die, 09 Jan 2007, Hans Hagen wrote:
# texexec --nonstopmode --fast --make --xetex cont-en ... loading : Context Encoding Macros (pdf) ! Undefined control sequence. l.63 \ifcase\pdfgentounicode \else \expandafter \endinput \fi ?
and waiting there.
i hope that the current 'current' is ok; btw, \pdfgentounicode is part of the latest pdftex (the one that goed on tex live)
But do you *EXPECT* that everyone will have pdftex 1.40.1 installed? Is
it obligatory?
In Debian we wont have it for some time, because it takes some time to
create new packages for TeX Live 2006/7.
Shouldn't the usage of a new primitive somehow be shielded in case
someone uses pdftex 1.30.5?
Best wishes
Dr. Norbert Preining