In article <4C4EE613.1010505@elvenkind.com>,
Taco Hoekwater
I am happy to announce a new beta release of MetaPost:
---------------------------------------------------------------------- MetaPost 1.502 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
This indeed fixes several bugs, but I still experiment a couple related to interactions with TeX. (1) If I omit outputtemplate some files crash, otherwise they compile. This is a minimal example: % Typeset with mpost -tex='texexec --dvi' %outputtemplate := "%j-%c.mps"; % Ok if this line is uncommented verbatimtex \setupbodyfont[12pt] \starttext etex beginfig(1); draw btex x etex; endfig; end. (2) mpost also crashes when using the TEX macro: % Typeset with mpost -tex='texexec --dvi' input TEX; TEXPRE("\starttext\setupbodyfont[8pt]"); % Comment this to avoid crash draw TEX("abc"); end. If you use latex instead, it always crashes regardless of TEXPRE. Nicola