Correction: looks OK in xpdf, looks bad in kpdf.
Same here: fine in xpdf, bad in kpdf. Also it's fine in gs 8.50. I'm using Ubuntu/i386 with pdftex 1.40 and the Debian context packages (so 2007.01.23). Not sure whether the difference between xpdf and kpdf means that it's a kpdf bug or a bug in the generated pdf itself. I'm leaning toward its' being a problem with kpdf, since "two out of three free viewers prefer" to display it correctly. I just tried it on a nearby Mac OS 10.3 machine with its built-in Preview viewer. Preview complains that it cannot recognize the file format! As a check, I tried a bunch of other ConTeXt-produced documents, including a 100-page math book, and Preview had no problem with them. So now I lean toward the PDF file as the problem, not kpdf. Anyway, why are kpdf and xpdf giving different views? Isn't kpdf based on the xpdf rendering code? -Sanjoy `Not all those who wander are lost.' (J.R.R. Tolkien)