Hi, when you use extreme tables without a float environment but repeat the header the table always starts on a new page. %%%% begin example \starttext \samplefile{weisman} \blank \startxtable[header=repeat,split=repeat] \startxtablehead \startxrow \startxcell Table head \stopxcell \stopxrow \stopxtablehead \startxtablebody \dorecurse{100}{\startxrow \startxcell Table body \stopxcell \stopxrow} \stopxtablebody \stopxtable \stoptext %%%% end example The reason for this is the height set for the part of each page, on the first page ConTeXt uses a box with the height of \pagegoal forces a page break because the content doesn't fit. \setvalue{\??xtableflushsplit\v!repeat}% {\doloop {\clf_x_table_flush method {\v!split}% height \ifdim\pagegoal=\maxdimen\textheight\else\pagegoal\fi \relax \ifcase\c_tabl_x_state \exitloop \else \page \fi}} While determining the available space is easy we need a method to ensure the table stays on the page when the user adds a vertical skip (e.g. \blank[...]) before the table because this can lead to another page break. Wolfgang