Hi Wolfgang, Am 14.02.2010 um 23:22 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster:
But I am failing to use the resume part:-( I would like to use your classic or casual layout, but I have no idea how to use them.
I'm sorry but there is something missing in documentation, the resume part is not really written and the two styles are just included from a older module of me and you have to load them with
\usemodule[resume] % load the module \useresumeinterface[moderncv] % load the moderncv-interface \useresumestyle[classic|casual] % load a style
you can also do this with one command
\usemodule[resume][interface=moderncv,style=casual] You have a module with the m-resume.tex on your system which is loaded instead of my module, you can now either remove this from the current directory or force ConTeXT to load my module with '\usemodule[t][resume][...]' in your document.
Many thanks for your prompt and brilliant help! Your examples do work right away! Will try to use one of your examples. Thanks again. Jörg