Bugs item #58, was opened at 2007-01-04 13:18 You can respond by visiting: http://foundry.supelec.fr/tracker/?func=detail&atid=161&aid=58&group_id=21 Or by replying to this e-mail entering your response between the following markers: #+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+ (enter your response here) #+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+ Status: Open Priority: 3 Submitted By: Peter Münster (peter) Assigned to: Nobody (None) Summary: texsync exit code Resolution: None Version: None Category: scripts Initial Comment: Hello, it would be nice to get an exit code > 0 if texsync fails. The best would be the same exit code as rsync. Peter Münster ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You can respond by visiting: http://foundry.supelec.fr/tracker/?func=detail&atid=161&aid=58&group_id=21