Hello, (I've sent a private mail to Aditya before I realized that this is a mail on dev-context - There is no need to cc: me anymore, since I am now reading all context mailinglist on a regular basis)
It seems that the update at the garden broke down todo and note templates. See for example http://wiki.contextgarden.net/TeXExec Can this be corrected?
This is the reason: http://archive.contextgarden.net/message/20070425.150556.02652b8a.en.html The wiki is now case sensitive and all 'incorrect' links (such as 'todo:template' instead of Todo:template') are broken now. There are of course two possible fixes, one is to revert to case insensitive links and the second is to fix all broken links. I'd opt for the second fix, unless anybody cries out loud. Patrick