23 May
23 May
8:51 a.m.
Unrelated - how exactly do I set TEXMFCACHE to be in texmf-cache alongside other texmf trees? I have tried (I know that this cannot work): TEXMFCACHE = '$TEXROOT/texmf-cache', but TEXROOT is probably unknown anyway
I forgot to finish the sentence: with this setting I get luatools --generate LuaTools | loading configuration file /Users/mojca/context/tex/texmf/web2c/texmfcnf.lua LuaTools | loading /Users/mojca/context/tex/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnfShould I create the cache path /texmf-cache? [yes|no] [no] every time, independent on whether I answer with yes or no. And everytime cache is generated under $HOME/luatex-cache. I guess that $TOXROOT is simply empty and /texmf-cache is not writable by me. Mojca