Hello out there,
It occurs to me that the reason my "URGENT" emails haven't had any response from the Wiki administrators is that you're all in Europe, and probably in bed asleep right now!
Well, not quite. I didn't respond, because I came back from a party, and I promised not to write _any_ email after a party... But as you have seen, I have tried to revert some changes (but obviously missed some that you fixed).
What, other than firefighting, is the right way to deal with this in the future?
When I woke up this morning, I thought that I can just reinstall a database backup from the day before the attack started. This would make any of our reverting lost, but also the spam. Was there any 'good' change in the wiki since the last few days? I guess, no.
be to add invisible links to the end of the Wiki pages, and the text-deletion seems merely a side-effect of very badly-programmed bots.
Actually, I think that the page deletion is part of the game. I have no clue what to do with the spamming. So far it was quite ok to remove the spamming by hand. But this is beyond manual work that can be done in a minute or two. I could make only logged-in users change pages and validate the email address or approve new users by hand. But this, IMO, violates the principal that makes the wiki so efficient. I'll (try to) update the mediawiki software today and let's see what it can do. I'll come back to you, Brooks. Patrick -- ConTeXt wiki and more: http://contextgarden.net