Hans Hagen wrote:
Oliver Buerschaper wrote:
What I mean is this: in the full path "/usr/texbin/luatex", "texbin" can be a symlink to a different directory and that will be followed, but if "luatex" itself is a symlink to a file in a different directory, that will not be noticed. I think this should be just fine for the moment ... Extended report ... in short, format compilation fails because of file location problems. Apparently generating the LuaTeX cache succeeds though. See below.
taco and i are clueless ... we need more info
There is a new beta release now. It would be nice if you could delete all luatex-cache's on your disk and then try again. It is possible that there was a spurious file somewhere in the cache, what with all those changes we have made in the last week. Best wishes, Taco