On Sat, 23 May 2009, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
Hello Hans,
Asymptote developers wonder if there's a way to pipe to ConTeXt.
More precisely, they want to do the following: context misc/null ... ... * \newbox\ASYbox \newdimen\ASYdimen \long\def\ASYbase#1#2{\leavevmode\setbox\ASYbox=\hbox{#1}\ASYdimen=\ht\ASYbox% \setbox\ASYbox=\hbox{#2}\lower\ASYdimen\box\ASYbox} \font\ASYfont=lmr12 at 12pt\ASYfont\switchtobodyfont[12pt]% % (Please type a command or say `\end') *\setbox\ASYbox=\hbox{$x$} * * * * * * *(Please type a command or say `\end') *\showthe\wd\ASYbox
etc... (for the moment, ignore the fact that the font setup is incorrect)
I didn't start inspecting anything as I suspect that it's quite possible that nobody has ever tried that so far.
Ideal will be to have --interactive switch.
The trick that John Bowman decided to use was to "\input null" (an empty tex file "null.tex"), but I already had problems because I (forgot that I) didn't have that file.
Do you know someone who maintains a major ConText distribution. Maybe you can ask her to add that file :-) Aditya