In the past months I worked through The TeXbook and The METAFONTbook. About a week ago I started to work through the LuaMetaTeX manual. For several reasons I want to learn ConTeXt from bottom to top. The main page of the ConTeXt Garden says "There is no offical repository there the development is going." ("there" in that sentence probably should be "where". I seem to not be allowed to edit the garden main page.) The LuaMetaTeX manual contains typos and other issues. In such cases I usually checkout the most recent development branch of the official repository and create continually rebased commits on top of it, that finally find their way into patches send over a mailing list, or pull requests on e.g. GitHub. This works really well. It would be really cool if ConTeXt LMTX had a/the official repository. For now, I will just somehow post the typos to dev-context@ntg.nl. I will use ConTeXt LMTX (from http://www.pragma-ade.nl/install.htm) as a reference point. I will update the installation it at least daily.