Hello, instead of checking the problems with MyWay about database module, I created another unfinished piece about \sometxt (as promised already long ago): http://dl.contextgarden.net/myway/sometxt.pdf \sometxt{...} should be used instead of textext("...") in metafun graphics whenever possible, since it's much more efficient. An average user shouldn't care about much more than that. The MyWay is devoted to the curious ones. I hope that I included all the major ideas which Hans implemented in Summer/Autumn 2006 on my request. Although not all of them are documented well enough, I tried to mention them at least. The document is full of mistakes and badly formulated sentences (I should start reading more English literature instead of mailing lists and articles ;). I wellcome any suggestions for improving it. Thanks to Hans van der Meer who provided me the first feedback ;) Just two questions left for Hans H. (Hans v. d. M. has brought up exactly the same questions as I had a while ago): 1.) wouldn't it make sense to use \chardef\TeXtextcolormode\zerocount as the default value? I don't see any advantages of setting it to "one" (but I might have overseen something). Can you please take a look at page 4 of the above listed MyWay and tell me if I forgot something? 2.) Why does \textext still rely on its older brother textext(...), when it could be a synonym for \sometxt{...} instead? I really don't see any advantage of \textext{...} over \sometxt{...}. \textext{...} canonot be used for concatenating strings or creating dynamic labels either. It's just a picture, just as \sometxt ... And it would probably also be more straightforward to explain to metafun users that textext("...") should now be \textext{...} instead of trying to explain them that it's best to use some completely new command. Thanks a lot, Mojca