Hello Hans, I would need to create a minimal example, but I cannot do that before I get the module to work again (\savebuffer) and I need to finish the report first (before getting lost in bug reports instead of concentrating on content). When compiling one month old document with mkiv I stumble upon the following problem. I had to run mkii to generate external files first (via buffers) and then I tried to run mkiv and I get the following error report. If it rings any bell to you, feel free to fix it and I will gladly test it. (Which command exactly is undefined? \ifcsnameMPC can indeed only be found at a single place, most probably undefined indeed. I'm using clipping on PNG graphics if that helps.) Else I will come back to it once I'm finished with the report. (I'm still using mkii anyway, so there's no particular hurry.) Thanks, Mojca This is LuaTeX, Version beta-0.40.1-2009050813 (Web2C 7.5.7) ConTeXt ver: 2009.05.08 21:48 MKIV fmt: 2009.5.8 int: english/english ------------------------------ aaa : texmfstart --direct gnuplot 20-sor-gnuplot-3.plt ! Undefined control sequence. \grabMPclippath ...layheight \height \ifcsnameMPC :#1\endcsname \xdef \MPcli... \dostartclipping ... \width \height l 0 \height l} \pdfliteral {q 0 w \MPclip... \dodowithnextbox ...g \@@cpmp \!!dimena \!!dimenb \flushnextbox \dostopclipp... \grafika ...OTgraphic [#2][width=\pixwidthbig pt]} } <argument> ...mbination [2*2]{\grafikahitrosti {4} }{$n=4$} {\grafikahitrosti... \centerline #1->\line {\hss #1 \hss } l.292 \stopcombination} \crlf\centerline{\useGNUPLOTgraphic[hitrost 50 3D][wi... ?