Hi Will, On Do, 17 Apr 2008, Will Robertson wrote:
All other XeTeX+LaTeX packages are unaffected and you should use the latest versions from the SVN repository. If you need me to upload the
Umpf, I don't like to package stuff that is in some svn repository for a
stable release, stuff that hasn't seen at least a decent amount of
Honestly, I fear to open a pandora's box here. We are now at a level
that I would have to:
- patch xetex and probably xdvipdfmx
- patch several tex packages
- update the lmodern fonts
And I am not sure that all this will *not* affect anything else in
TeX Live 2007!?!?
Furthermore, to be honest, I currently have not the time to prepare such
a big thing.
If one wants to step in and make a patch please grab
and send a patch against it. It contains fontspec, euenc, and xltxtra.
Receiving this patch I can (re)consider the whole thing.
Sorry, but I have my time constraints, final theoretical mountain guide
exam, upstream TeX Live work, and a real life ;-))))
Best wishes
Dr. Norbert Preining