On Mi, 16 Apr 2008, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
For XeLaTeX you indeed need to update fontspec, but if you're reluctant to upgrade the rest of XeTeX, a fix of fontspec to support the latest LM fonts is so minor, that it's really not worth having a broken ConTeXt+XeTeX. fontspec might need only a few name fixes, that's all.
Give me a patch and I will see whether it is so "minor".
Debian, but a humble request from my side - please do upgrade LM.
There are people using xetex without context, and I don't want to break
anything for them. context/luatex and context/xetex are more
experimental (or at least I consider them that way).
I need to see the necessary changes before I can discuss that.
Jonathan, Will: It is about TeX Live 2007 in Debian/lenny. There will be
no TL2008 in lenny. But we have recent context and recent luatex.
It is about updating the lmodern fonts, currently we have 1.01x, the
last before the otf and font names were renamed.
What changes would be necessary for fontspec and/or euenc and/or xetex
so that we don't break everything, and have a working:
Thanks for any enlightening comments!!
Best wishes
Dr. Norbert Preining