This test file has a mangled article title where the "--" was located in the bibtex entry (a few accented characters show up). Commenting in the \enableregime removes the accented characters, but now there's a mix of different dashes almost joined together. % \enableregime[utf] \usemodule[bib] \setupbibtex[database=project] \starttext Look up the Shannon--Nyquist sampling theorem \cite[Jerri:1977]. \blank[3*big] \placepublications[criterium=all] \stoptext Here is the bibtex file @Article{Jerri:1977, author = {A. J. Jerri}, title = {The {S}hannon sampling theorem —- {I}ts various extensions and applications: A tutorial review}, journal = {Proceedings of the IEEE}, year = 1977, volume = 65, number = 11, pages = {1565--1596}} (A workaround is to make the " -- " into "---", which is what it should have been anyway.) This is with context 2009.10.27 16:35 MKII in the Debian TL2009 packages. I also see the problem with 2009.11.20 on top of vanilla TL2009 or vanilla TL2008. -Sanjoy